
Reviewed 17th January 2022

We are very grateful for our wonderful NHS and care givers on the frontline. They are working tirelessly to fight the war against the coronavirus, their brave and selfless efforts, along with all those other countless key workers, all play a vital role in helping the UK win this battle against the coronavirus.

The part that All Network Technology continues to play is supporting the network infrastructure of some of the countrys leading organisations, many of whom have their own critical roles in the current battle.

We are continuing to stand by our clients and reliably deliver infrastructure engineering know-how across the UK at a time when it matters the most.

As with all businesses, the safety of our staff, contractors and clients is of paramount importance. We are monitoring and following Government advice, together with the latest Construction Leadership Council guidance. This page provides our existing clients, and prospective new clients with some answers to frequently asked questions.

Q1 How will you communicate with clients during this pandemic?

Our experienced team are on hand to keep their respective clients informed and up to date on their specific requirements and how All Network Technology can fulfil them. Our responses can be tailored to suit our clients whilst adhering to the latest advice.

Q2 How will you maintain service?

Most of our clients’ work has continued during this pandemic. To support them we use remote software monitoring and site-specific safety measures, our home and field-based teams are always operating in concert, safely and effectively.

Q3 If one of your on-site engineers becomes infected, or lives with someone who is infected how will you communicate this with the client?

As part of our Coronavirus Operating Procedures and site-specific risk assessments our engineers have been informed to communicate any confirmed, or suspected cases of coronavirus to our management teams, who will communicate this to the client, together with information of the affected engineer’s footprint on site over the last 14 days. Of course, we will balance the needs of the client with that of the individual’s data protection rights. However, we take great pride in looking after our clients so working in partnership and being transparent in our communications is important to us.

Should there be any instances of this, the individual will not be permitted to return to the site until they are symptom free and have followed all the relevant Government advice.

Q4 If one, or more of your engineers need to self-isolate, what will be the impact to your service?

We can flex our teams and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our clients throughout this period of uncertainty. Our goal is to ensure that there will be no interruption to our ability to deliver on client service expectations.

We have developed a robust reporting system to monitor and safeguard our teams. This provides an accurate snapshot of resource availability.

Q5 What advice have you given your workers?

We take great pride in looking after our clients and ensuring our performance is to the highest standards. Underpinning this is our philosophy that we will act safely, ethically and responsibility in everything we do. So, to complement our robust reporting system we have provided our employees with coronavirus awareness communications and developed Coronavirus Operating Procedures and site-specific risk assessments which have been deployed to all our workers both digitally and where pre-site briefings are held. Should additional PPE be required, we will supply this following the latest advice.

Q6 How are you working with your supply chains?

Supply chains are being disrupted on a global scale, creating a humanitarian and societal emergency. Recognising that this was not a typical risk we quickly mobilized our business contingency plans and tailored it to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our response was rapid. Our approach was holistic across all our supply chain components. In collaboration with our clients we were able to anticipate potential disruption and develop resilient risk management capability in how we plan and procure our stock to sustain business operations

We have successful, trusted partnerships with our supply chain providers and appreciate all their hard work during this very difficult time.

Q7 Do you have any specific requirements from clients?

We have built successful relationships with our clients based on trust and transparent communications. We will work with clients to ensure that our safety methods and safe system of working on site complements their requirements and maintains our commitment to provide a safe working environment for our engineers.